江西金太阳十一月高三联考试卷,查看金太阳系列试卷答案,请关注微信公众号:考不凡 高中英语道贺信必背模板句型写作正在高中英语研习中是作育和升高讲话才智的有用办法,它有帮于坚实和负责所学词汇、语法。下面是小编整饬的高中英语道贺信必背模板句型,生气对群众有所助帮。高中英语道贺信必背模板句型Congratulations, all of us feel proud of your remarkable achievements!道贺你咱们都为您所赢得的远大功劳觉得自大。I am so pleased and happy to hear that...听到 我真的格外欢畅。 I write to congratulate you upon...我写信来道贺你 。I offer you my warmest congratulations on your...看待你的 我外示剧烈的贺。We are just as proud as can be of you and send our congratulations.咱们为你感由衷的骄横!道贺你!I wish you still further success!预祝你赢得更大的获胜。We look forward to bra